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Friday, 4 January 2013

"Getting to Bliss": New Blog by gilli moon

I’m starting to come to the realization that I see life a whole lot differently than most people. I’m an insatiably happy person. When I was four years old, I knew exactly who I was going to be, and I was bright, positive and carefree… I’ve always been an optimist. I’ve always felt confident in my abilities, and even when I didn’t know something, I, at least, had an adventurous streak to try something new and see where it took me. I’ve always had a “go get ‘em mentality”.

Put me in a pool of mud, and I’ll see it as a warm, blue ocean to frolic in.

But not everyone sees it the way I see it. Not everyone feels it the way I feel it. Many have to work at it to develop the craft of getting to bliss, for it just doesn’t come naturally to them like it does for me. Many only see the adversity, and stop there.

Today I’m pondering this with a tad of bittersweet. I wish everyone saw it the way I do, and just lived their lives with a spring in their step. But I can’t force others to feel it the way I do, or approach it the way I have. Some people just innately, or mentally, or physically, wake up sad, tired, overwhelmed, despondent, in-confident, insecure or frazzled.


So, for those that don’t live that A Type “I love my life” day, or for those who have felt it once but have seemed to have lost it,… perhaps I can offer some ideas on getting to that place…  Want that perpetual joy, optimism and courage?

Here are my “Getting to Bliss” strategies:


gilli moon | Warrior Girl Music

Tweet me @gillimoon

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