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Wednesday, 25 April 2012

How much are you worth? New blog by gilli moon (@gillimoon @artistdevcoach)

I remember when I only had $600 in my bank account and I felt wealthy and abundant because I didn't owe anyone any money. Being rich is not necessarily about money. Do you feel wealthy? Have you ever thought about how much you are worth? Don't buy into the buzz that you have to lack, or that you are just one of the minions that must go without due to the 'economic crisis'. Believe in your self and your WORTH.

Worth attributes to wealth. If you feel you have a strong worth, you can then be deemed as wealthy. See where I'm getting at? So look outside the box when you start thinking about your value. You may not  have lots of money, and you may be an unknown artist, and you may even have little experience or credits: but if you FEEL that you are rich in talent, rich in experience, rich in a catalog of hundreds of songs, even rich in AMBITION,... you will go along way in proving your VALUE and WORTH to the situation or the people looking to you to prove yourself.


gilli moon | Warrior Girl Music

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