Artistalive! Retreat - CHANGE YOUR IMAGE, CHANGE YOUR MINDSET, CHANGE YOUR LIFE. Saturday Sept 17 & Sun Sept 18, 2011
Come to LA and experience inner Artist, and life, discovery.
A 2 day Retreat Sat Sept 17 (main day) and Sun Sept 18, 2011 (optional), Los Angeles.
Saturday September 17, 2011, 9.30am till 6.30pm. Lunch provided.
Sherman Oaks, CA 91411 location.
For all artists (musicians, visual artists, writers, dancers, actors) as well as individuals who want to bring creativity in your lives AS WELL as individuals looking to change your self-perspective, get a new job/start a new career: most importantly discover who you really are and what you really want.
As an individual, you have the opportunity to reinvent yourself in every way - the way you are, through your persona, how you introduce yourself, how you market yourself, how you carry yourself.
Hosted by Artist Entrepreneur and professional Coach, Gillli Moon, this one day Retreat is for Artists of any genre, or individuals who want to see the world in a creative way.
For those wanting to define one's path and find clarity in how to present oneself to the world ... this Day Retreat is for YOU. Nestled in a home paradise in Sherman Oaks, surrounded by trees, a pool (for breaks) and a positive environment, you will explore:
who you are - what you want - and how you can get it.
-Who am I? Getting real with my talents, my dreams, and what I have to offer the world.
- Finding my competitive advantage.
- Goal making exercises
- bringing the dream alive.
- Image defining - from concepts to concrete plans through creating and executing.
- Creating a business plan and a definitive plan of attack for the year to get you OUT there.
At the end of this day, every participant will know who they are, what they want, and how they can get it.
WHAT TO BRING for Day 1:
- if applicable, a piece of your artistry (a CD, a portfolio, etc)
- Pen and paper
- at least 2 magazines that you are willing to tear up and cut out
- water
- an open mind
Signing up for this Saturday Sept 17 Retreat also gives you free access to Sunday Sept 18 workshop (optional):
DAY 2 - ROCKSTAR LIVE PERFORMANCE WORKSHOP (tailored specifically for artists) -
Sunday September 18, 2011 12-3pm - OPTIONAL 2nd day
North Hollywood, CA 91601 location (15 mins from the Day 1 location)
Focus areas covered:
- what to say in between songs and various other ideas on stage patter, rhubarb and meaningful story telling.
- how to own the stage with your body - where to plant your feet, what part of the stage to move in, how to use the stage to your fullest potential.
- delivering emotion through the body, eyes and voice during your songs.
- how to reach tens, hundreds, thousands, and grab them in the palm of your hands.
- working with band members. Great tips on keeping your musicians focused and you focused on them as well as your audience.
- proper microphone technique and dealing with equipment, cables and stuff that gets in the way.
- how to deal with difficult venues and stage limitations.
- creating an entire show - from your first song to the last. The story, the movements, the songs all tied up in one package to blow the audience away.
- off the stage - the 101 on arriving to a venue, loading in, performing and loading out, with helpful tips on the meet and greets with fans, industry personnel and others.
This workshop is very much a hands on, practical session focusing on your songs, your performance and your experience.
- your musical instrument.
- prepare up to 3 songs
- at least 20 copies of lyric sheets of each song.
- your stage costumes (how you dress to perform. Don't hold back. Clothes, shoes, accessories, makeup, or none of it: what you do, wear it).
- Pen and paper
- packed lunch (snacks provided but this is not a catered lunch affair)
RETREAT COST $100 Saturday Sept 17., main Retreat day.
Attendees receive Day 2 Free (as a gift; normally $20)
No discounts provided if you don't attend Day 2.
All Attendees of Day 1 receive Gilli Moon's e-book JUST GET OUT THERE. Value $20
Apart from being an artist, author and CEO of Warrior Girl Music, her record label, and President of Songsalive! (non-profit organization for songwriters), Gilli Moon is an certified professional coach who works with artists and individuals across all genres of creativity, including musicians, singers, songwriters, actors, dancers, writers, producers and anyone who wants to unleash their creativity. We work together to build your career, achieve your goals, develop skills, and empower your talent towards a career and life you’ve always imagined. Find out about her 1 on 1 coaching at, about her book JUST GET OUT THERE, and her artistry at
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