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Monday, 6 July 2009

Warrior Girl Music eNews is out for July!

warrior girl music
july 09 eNews

a little bit of gilli moon
monthly in your inbox

Can't read this email well? Read the newsletter online at

Quote (lyric) of the month:
I can remember the joy the tears, the light the dark, everything...
Lying in our spaceship alone, hoping love would solve it all.
...Breathe it in.... let it all go
. (gilli moon from "Spaceship")

G'day peaceful warriors... Really nice to have your email company for a moment as I share with you my monthly newsletter. This is my personal artistry and music news that you get once a month. If you don't want to receive it, please be so kind as to head to the bottom of this email and click on the unsubscribe link. I much prefer you do that rather than yell at me.. he he. Just click and you're off and I won't bother you again. If you stay on it, we'll have so much fun together in our virtual playground.

We are garnering RSVPs for a really special CRUISE on MORRO BAY for Friday August 7, and need to get bookings in before July 15, so if you feel like a drive to the Central Coast, and a lovely dinner cruise with our band delighting your senses, then please look below and get the details.

Coming up, a fab gig on Tues 14th July in West Hollywood at Genghis Cohen, then we're off to Vegas baby, where I'll be speaking at the Songsalive! songwriters workshop on Mon July 20.

Enjoy the read below, and the ride. There's so much to absorb, as life is filled with action and creativity,


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