gilli moon products

Friday, 1 May 2009

Are you ready for another Rockstar Stage Performance Workshop?

Another Rockstar Performance Workshop with GILLI MOON

A workshop for musicians, singer/songwriters and singers who want to get solid advice and practical techniques on how to OWN the STAGE, DELIVER a GREAT SHOW and ROCK THE HOUSE.

DID YOU MISS THE LAST ONE? Another workshop is being planned, by popular demand!

Rock stars or budding rock stars (fab humble songwriters and singer/songwriters too) out there - ever feel like you want to brush up on how you deliver your show on stage without fumbling in front of an audience?

gilli moon, singer-songwriter and recording artist, is hosting another Rockstar Stage Performance Workshop, for those who wish to hone their stage craft. From owning the stage, to reaching your audience through your movements, voice, eyes and actions, to building your entire show on stage: This workshop is for all music artists who perform on stage in any genre or style of music.

Where: Sherman Oaks, CA (Los Angeles area. Address given on registration)

When: Sat June 20.

Time: 11am - approx 5/6pm - depending on numbers

Slots: 10 max. Limited numbers. So let us know asap.

Cost: $76 for Songsalive! members ( $100 non members


Focus areas covered:

- what to say in between songs and various other ideas on stage patter, rhubarb and meaningful story telling.

- how to own the stage with your body - where to plant your feet, what part of the stage to move in, how to use the stage to your fullest potential.

- delivering emotion through the body, eyes and voice during your songs.

- how to reach tens, hundreds, thousands, and grab them in the palm of your hands.

- working with band members. Great tips on keeping your musicians focused and you focused on them as well as your audience.

- proper microphone technique and dealing with equipment, cables and stuff that gets in the way.

- how to deal with difficult venues and stage limitations.

- creating an entire show - from your first song to the last. The story, the movements, the songs all tied up in one package to blow the audience away.

- off the stage - the 101 on arriving to a venue, loading in, performing and loading out, with helpful tips on the meet and greets with fans, industry personnel and others.

This workshop is very much a hands on, practical session focusing on your songs, your performance and your experience.

What to bring:

- Four songs (all different in style) that you would use in your live show.

- Bring your instrument you play such as guitars with amp (keyboard and P.A provided)

- writing pen and paper; An open mind.

- packed lunch or eat before arriving. Starts at noon sharp and ends at 5. No later comers and no early departures. You'll need all the time for this one!


Check out all of our workshops at


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