gilli moon products

Thursday, 16 April 2009

From mp3s to sweaty tees - Team BFM Digital Trains For The LA Marathon and raises money for Aids Project LA.

From mp3s to sweaty tees - Team BFM Digital Trains For The LA Marathon and raises money for Aids Project LA.


As you may or may not know, my label, Warrior Girl Music ( is digitally distributed through BFM Digital: Our SKILLZ cd for youth, my Christmas Song (you'll have to wait till Dec to hear that again) and our Warrior Girl Music and Art Of Men compilations are distributed by BFM, and soon my upcoming brand spanking new album which isn't ready yet. Patience… om…..


Now the boys at BFM Digital are so - ACTIVE - that their staff will even run the LA Marathon, and that's no mean feat! That's right, Steven Weber and Steven Corn, executives of BFM, will pull off their ties and polished shoes, and don sweaty tees and runners.


And it's all for a worthy cause - this is where I come in. I want them to raise over $3000 for the Aids Project LA, which is why they are running the marathon, so that they can get this over and done with, get to the finish line, raise the money and get back to the office and get on with chatting to iTunes about my fabulous CDS!!! He he.


But it means YOU reading this and clicking the link below and making a pledge. Even $1. Whatever you can, so that they can pull this off.



Read what Steven Corn from BFM had to say about their RUN:

"Here's something that I never thought that I would say: "I'm training for the LA Marathon!" Last year, Steven Weber joined the Aids Project LA training program for the LA Marathon and I wimped out. He completed the 2008 LA Marathon which was just amazing. When October rolled around again, he hounded me to join up. Without any running experience, I hesitated. But ultimately, I said, "Yes." So for the past four months, the two Steve's have been getting up early every Saturday morning to do our group training runs. They started at 4 miles. Today it was 20 miles!!


"The training program is being offered by Aids Project LA to help raise money for their various programs. We have pledged to raise over $3000 and we need your help.

We realize that times are tough out there. But just imagine how hard it is for people suffering from Aids. We would greatly appreciate any contribution you can make. Just click on the link below and you can make a donation (which is, of course, tax deductible). THANKS VERY MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT!"


* * * * * PLEASE PLEDGE YOUR SUPPORT FOR THE CAUSE and HELP THEM RUN at: More info is on this link too, especially the part about where your money is going.



And make sure you get out and exercise a bit today yourself! Get off the twitter, facebook, myspace, ning, pro tools, guitar, keyboard, guitar hero, blah blah, and go RUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!


Peace out,


gilli moon


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