In this issue
Get on the cover of the next Indiebible
See Gilli Moon Talk
Artist coaching - do you needit?
Artistalive! - what is it?
The store
Useful Artist resources
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trick or treat?Hi beautiful artists. You are getting this special email from me because I've met you, worked with you or known you. A lot of my creative journey includes what I do for you: artists. So here are some fabo & coolness treats for ou this month:________________________ Get on the cover of the next INDIEBIBLEWe need great LIVE shots for the next Indiebible cover. The Indiebible is distributed WORLDWIDE and it's GREAT exposure. I design it, and we find it really helps artists careers if they get their mug shot on the cover. The Deadline is October 15 so please hurry to submit a photo. Here are the details: ________________________ Artist Coaching - do you need it? Hi. My name is Gilli Moon. I'm an artist, author and CEO of Warrior Girl Music, a unique music record label, which makes me a self-coined "artist entrepreneur". I'm also a certified professional coach*, life coach and entertainment business expert. I coach individuals, artists and businesses to focus on objectives, goals and processes, and achieve them faster than if you worked alone. As a coach, I help you to identify what you want in life and suggest strategies and tactics that will take you from 'where you are now' to 'where you want to be'. I also conduct workshops where you can participate in a group setting. It all starts with getting clear with 'who you are', and 'what you want.' Check out my Warrior Artist Coaching website at
________________________See Gilli Moon talk:Billboard & Hollywood Reporter Music Conference 5PM • Wednesday, October 24th, 2012 (conference runs Wed and Thurs) @ W Hotel 6250 Hollywood Boulevard (Just East of Vine) Hollywood, CA Gilli moon speaks about "Becoming an Artist Entrepreneur" - Networking Roundtable Get 15% off the current registration rate. Use promo code SONGSALIVE12 when registering at www.filmandtvmusicconference.comTAXI ROAD RALLY 2PM • Saturday, November 10th, 2012 (Road Rally Runs Thurs through Sunday) Los Angeles, CA. @ Hotel Venue is given to Taxi members who are attending the Rally. Join at Visit gilli moon in the Book room, with her book, “Just Get Out There". ________________________The Store Gilli's book: JUST GET OUT THERE - Achieving Abundance, Self-Empowerment and Professional Success as an Artist Entrepreneur The Artist's bible to achieving abundance, self- empowerment and professional success as an Artist entrepreneur. 300+ pages filled with in-depth tips, tools, steps and resources on getting out there as an Artist, all the while achieving personal, financial and professional success and joy. Out now as a paperback, e-book, Amazon Kindle, and WORLDWIDE. Details and BUY the book at at Amazon, Barnes& Nobles, Angus & Robertson (Aus) and so much more....Also get the Just Get Out There - Video Workshop on DVD (watch Gilli talk) at url above, click PURCHASE. ________________________Useful Artist Resources IMC, Independent Music Conference, Los Angeles October 17 - 21, 2012 @ Musicians Institute Now in its tenth year, and planning the 13th event, the IMC is still the only music conference in the nation specifically for independent musicians. The IMC focuses on empowering musicians to achieve indie success, helping them achieve their goals as entrepreneurial business owners through the presentation of educational seminars, workshops, panel discussions, mentor sessions networking opportunities, performance instruction, evaluation and critique, and live performances. Register: Songsalive!
Co-founded by Gilli Moon, Songsalive! is the largest international non-profit organization supporting, promoting and educating songwriters and composers worldwide. Get involved today witha free membership (access the songwriters social network) or Pro Membership (only $50 a year) at ________________________Send us your news! Get on our discussion groups and we will read your news plus thousands of others will tooArtistLivingRoom: A free gilli moon network of artists of all genres and styles (music, art, dance, acting, you name it). Share your artistry and interact! Subscribe via the artistlivingroom website Songsalive! Facebook Group - a great way to promote to 800+ peeps. Every Friday is self promotion Friday, so join the group and get promoting ________________________ Connect with gilli Artistalive! website gilli moon's artist site: ARTIST COACHING Warrior Girl Music About gilli moon Songsalive! gilli moon Blog gilli moon's new book Just Get Out There | |
Artistalive! is a unique Artist Community Portal, hosted by Warrior Girl Music, for Artists and Creators, male and female, to come together and be inspired, get empowered, educated and out into the big wide world. Run by Gilli Moon, artist entrepreneur, singer-songwriter, actor, author, and global community builder, Artistalive! is for all artists of all genres, styles and locations. As a creative person, you have the opportunity to reinvent yourself in every way... everything you do and breathe. Let us take the journey with you.